LEGAL EAGLES an Attorney-Assisted Document Preparation Service

Most legal document preparation services are staffed by non-attorneys called ··paralegals .. and are preferred by couples wanting a quick, easy, and low-cost divorce. They meet with the client, gather factual information, and then prepare the documents based on the information provided to them by the client. What they are not permitted to do is to probe deeper into the facts when a better and safer avenue may be available; they are not permitted to suggest better options; in other words. they are not permitted to provide “legal advice.”

Legal Eagles is a low FLAT FEE service. As such, it requires the parties to have a basis agreement of the terms to be used for the marital settlement agreement, including terms regarding children, support, and the division of community property. At Legal Eagles, we can and do provide legal advice as the document preparer is a licensed attorney. Ms. Faria brings her 35 years of extensive Family Law and Bankruptcy experience with her to probe the facts, discuss the law as it applies to the client’s individual circumstances, and offer alternative suggestions to achieve the intended (or better) result with lesser consequences.


“My goal is to provide an affordable low-cost, comprehensive and binding document, that meets the mutual intent and satisfaction of the parties. and does so such that they have the full knowledge needed to make an informed agreement with their eyes wide open.”

Legal Eagles does require the parties to be in basic agreement on the terms of their marital dissolution including related terms regarding children, support and the division of property. The service is provided at a low flat fee that is known from the start.

Everyone should know their legal rights and options.

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